Tortilla crisps with southwestern scramble

Prep time: approximately 30 minutes

Serves 4 people

My parents live in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  We are not together as often as I’d like; this recipe reminds me of mornings at their home when my family and my brother’s family manage to visit at the same time.  Between the two of us we have four kids under six; when I make this for the family I serve it as a breakfast bar of sorts, so the kids can add the toppings that interest them; I often cut up whatever is in the fridge to add to the end of the assembly line.  This combination is my favorite - but the kids’ plates often win the award for the most creative combinations.

1 red onion

1 t black peppercorns

1/2 t coriander seeds

1/2 t cardamom seeds

1T honey

¾ cup apple cider vinegar

¾ cup water

4 tortillas, each cut into four triangles

2T olive oil

6 eggs

1/2 cup milk 

1T butter

1 avocado

1 jalapeno, sliced

Salt and pepper

First, make the pickled onion. This is a “quick pickle” that is not suitable for canning, but you can store extras in the fridge for a few weeks.  Thinly slice the onion (I use a mandolin, but you can also slice.  If they are a bit thicker, you will just need to let them sit in the pickling liquid a bit longer).  Combine the vinegar with 3/4 cup water, the honey, black peppercorns and coriander and cardamom and bring to a boil. Add the onion, and after 30 seconds remove the mixture from the heat.  Allow to cool to room temperature; this will take 20-30 minutes.

Next, coat the bottom of a saucepan with olive oil over medium heat and add the tortilla triangles to the oil. Only add as many triangles as will fit in a single layer.  When the triangles begin to brown (approximately 1 min), flip them over and brown the other side. When you flip them, they will puff up. While they are on the second side, sprinkle them with salt and pepper. When brown on both sides, remove and place on a paper towel to dry and drain.  Continue to make the crisps in batches, adding additional olive oil as needed.  

Whisk together the eggs and milk.  Add a pinch of salt and ¼ t of ground pepper.  Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat and scramble the eggs, stirring constantly until your desired level of doneness.  This takes patience - so this is Josh’s task in our home.

Add 3-4 tortilla triangles per plate.  Layer with scrambled eggs, avocado, jalapeno and pickled onion. If desired, sprinkle with hot sauce.


For dairy free, scramble eggs in olive oil and substitute milk with oat milk

For gluten free, substitute flour tortillas with corn


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