Wasabi yellowfin poke on corn crisps

Serves 8 as appetizer

Prep time: 20 minutes

Josh and I love poke. It is our go-to lunch date on the rare occasion when we find ourselves both at home from lunch without virtual meetings or children (who am I kidding, this basically never happens, but it does add to the allure of it all). It makes me think of vacation. It never really occurred to me to make it at home, until Josh asked why I never did. It occurred to me that I really had no idea what went into it…. so, I did what I do, and read 100 articles on poke, the historical origins, how it has impacted culture, etc. I won’t go on and on about it here (because I understand not everyone cares about this sort of thing), but I will share the result of my testing a bunch of different versions, then making my own. It’s not traditional, but pulls from many different cultures of eating raw fish. Hope you enjoy. I love this as a quick and easy appetizer.. You can serve the leftover chips with guacamole!

1/3 lb sushi grade yellowfin tuna, cut into 3/4 inch cubes

1/3 white onion, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

olive oil

10 corn tortillas (small “taco” size)

zest and juice from 1 lime

2t soy sauce

1t toasted sesame oil

1t mirin

wasabi sauce

sesame seeds (optional)

First, make the chips. Cut small corn tortillas into quarters, and paint each side with olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake at 425 degrees F for 7 mintues until beginning to brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Next, make the poke. Make the sauce by combining the lime juice and zest, soy sauce, sesame oil and mirin. Mix with onion and tuna. Allow to marinade for 15 minutes - this partially ‘cooks’ the fish using the acid of the citrus.

Top the chips with the poke, then add a dollop of the wasabi sauce (it is also great as a sandwich spread!). Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired. Enjoy!


Smashed Rosemary Potatoes


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