Caprese Polenta

Prep time: approximately 25 minutes

Serves 4 people

I love this appetizer all the time, but it is best during the peak of summer when tomatoes and basil are bursting out of the garden. It’s simple to put together and a bit more interesting than serving Caprese on a cracker or on a plate by itself.

For the pesto

3 oz fresh basil

4 cloves garlic

1/2t salt

1/2 black pepper

1/2 cup pine nuts

1/2 grated parmesan cheese

1/2 cup olive oil

For the polenta and caprese

1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved

1 ‘tube’ package of polenta

6 oz fresh mozzarella ‘pearls’ (if you cannot find these small balls of mozerra, simply buy the larger balls and cut into 1/2 inch cubes

2T pine nuts

1T olive oil

3T pesto (from above)

First, make the pesto. Add all the dry ingredients to a blender or food processor and pulse several times to mince. Then, put the mixer or blender on low, and slowly stream in the olive oil to combine. This recipe will make far more than you need, simply freeze what you don’t use in small containers or an ice cube tray for later use. I make a ton of pesto in the summer when the basil is fresh, then use it thorough the winter.

Next, make the polenta crisps. First, heat olive oil in a pan, ideally cast iron, over medium heat. Cut the polenta log into rounds that are a 1/2 inch thick. Pat dry with a towel. Add the rounds to the pan, careful to not over crowd. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Wait until the bottom becomes brown and crispy, and the rounds move freely in the pan without sticking, about 3 minutes. Flip them over, and cook the other side. Remove and place on a paper towel to drain and cool.

In a separate bowl, mix the halved tomatoes, 3T of pesto and 2T of pine nuts. Mix gently, careful not to bruise the tomatoes. Top each polenta crisp with a scoop of salad, serve at room temperature.


For nut-free, simply omit the pine nuts


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