Twice based yams

Serves 4 as a side

Prep time: approximately 60 minutes

There is something very warm and comforting about twice baked potatoes - they are always a staple at Josh’s family’s holiday get togethers. This side is based on the classic baked potato, but adds in grated apple giving it a real autumnal twist and perfect for thanksgiving.

2 yams

4 slices provolone cheese

1 Apple (ideally on the tart side, like Granny Smith), grated with a cheese grater

2T unsalted butter

2T buttermilk

2 oz cherve

2t fresh rosemary, chopped

1/2 t each cloves and cardamom

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Cut off the ends of the yams and poke several holes in the yam with a knife. Bake for approximately 40 minutes or until softened. Allow to cool slightly, and cut horizontally. With a large spoon, scoop out the middle, being careful to keep the shell of the yam intact. Put the flesh of the yam in a small bowl, and use a potato masher or fork to mix with the butter, buttermilk, cherve, grated apple, rosemary, cloves and cardamom until combined. Return the mixture to the yam shells, and top with a slice of provolone cheese.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, place the stuffed yams on the sheet and cook for another 8 minutes. For the last approximately two minutes, put on the broiler, and broil until the cheese is slightly browned. Serve warm.


Garlic bread


Apple Yam slider with pistachio filling